Why Do I Need A DEXA Scan?

When it comes to full body composition scanning, there is no better type of scan other than the DEXA scan (or DXA Scan). Offered by DexaFit, this full body scan is incredibly convenient, easy, and accurate. It’s a great way to gather information about your body and take charge of your health. The DEXA scan continues to revolutionize the medical world and will continue to benefit many people for years to come.


In today’s post, we’ll be taking a closer look on why you should get a DEXA scan.


First off, what is a DEXA Scan?

A DEXA scan (aka a DXA Scan) is a Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry scan. The DEXA scan requires the use of two X-ray beams, which scans the body for approximately 10-20 minutes with minimal radiation exposure. This scan measures bone density and full body composition and is easy to use, convenient, and incredibly accurate. It only takes a few minutes and provides some of the most accurate results and data, which is why it has revolutionized the medical field.


What does it do?



The DEXA scan is used to pinpoint conditions, problems, and diseases in the body. It’s a quick, convenient, and easy way to check for possible diseases (like osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease, and etc.) before they occur. DEXA scans can also determine weak points in your body, such as areas that are more prone to fractures or thinning muscle mass. By pinpointing and locating these diseases, it makes it much easier for doctors to diagnose, prevent, and treat them before they get a chance to fully develop.


DEXA scans also measure body composition, which includes body fat. These scans are used to measure belly fat and can be used to diagnose and pinpoint diseases and health problems, such as: diabetes, breast cancer, and etc. These scans will also be able to find the excess fat between your organs, problem areas, and find problems like high cholesterol. DEXA scans are a great way to track and prevent issues before they happen, and can also help you create a plan to keep your health under control.


Why do I need it?



As mentioned before, DEXA scans are a great way to find out everything that is happening in your body. It can help you locate excess fat in the body and help you create a diet and exercise plan. DEXA scans can locate and check for potential diseases and health issues, which is great for maximizing health and lifespan. These scans will also indicate areas of improvement and areas that require maintenance, such as with blood and cholesterol levels. Getting a DEXA scan is a great way to map out areas to watch and things in your body that you need to be aware of.


How will it improve my life?

DEXA scans can potentially help to improve your quality of life tremendously. By detecting and finding potential issues with your body, you can take the necessary steps to treat and prevent these issues before they escalate. With a DEXA scan, you’ll be able to know all there is to know about your body, and you’ll never be left in the dark about your health again.


At DexaFit, we’ll help you achieve better fitness results and help transform your life. To make an appointment for a DEXA scan, visit Dexafit and find a location to get started. You’ll get access to the best technology and feedback that will help you change your life for the better.