How Does Your DNA Impact Your Health?
Your genes tell your body how to function. They influence how it responds to training and nutrition. Find out what they're saying.
Your genes tell your body how to function. They influence how it responds to training and nutrition. Find out what they're saying.
Nearly 99% of your DNA can adapt to changes in your lifestyle
Genetics create huge variations in how different people respond to the same lifestyle. This test gives you a blueprint to personalize your health in a way previously unavailable to us.
Reveal your body’s fitness, speed, endurance and recovery capabilities.
Most of your DNA comes without specific operating instructions. This means most of your genes are adaptable and you can modify them by changing your lifestyle and environment.
Every FitnessGenes Kit helps you obtain clear advice on what programs will best help you build muscle, lose fat, and live your best life.
Your personalized Genetic Training System provides you with a week by week, day by day training and nutrition plan unique to your physical traits and environment.
(Please note: All DexaFit services and products are HSA/FSA eligible)