
Providing Clear Data & Clear Communication



We build a detailed picture of health, so you can find the best ways to improve it


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Get personalized insights using DexaFit's advanced technologies.


Optimize results with customized care and better compliance.

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Decrease treatment and recovery time. Reduce unnecessary care.


For Providers

Become a data-driven doctor.

Provide your patients customized care using DexaFit testing. Get information that helps you personalize their treatment plans, improve compliance, and guarantee better engagement.

Your personality. Our insights. Better results.

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Know their body

With DEXA and 3D Body Scanning

  • FDA-approved technology used to quantify lean, fat, and bone mass, including visceral fat (a leading predictor of longevity)

  • Reveal imbalances in muscle symmetry and strength, flexibility, and joint mechanics


Make Smarter Decisions 


Whether for your practice, your lab, or your business, we gather comprehensive data and turn it into actionable insights for you.



Tell Us Your Goals

 We collect the data you need for better decisions.



Comprehensive Baseline

We handle the logistics of scheduling, testing, and protocol design.


Turn Data Into Insights

Get the information you need to forge a deeper collaboration and create a healthier future.


Start customizing your care with DexaFit.

Work with existing DexaFit centers across the country

Become a DexaFit Partner and offer DexaFit testing within your business or clinic.